Lazy lists and branch-and-bound

This essay introduces the branch-and-bound search strategy in the context of the knapsack problem. The first two sections introduce the knapsack problem and implement branch-and-bound using lazily evaluated lists to find the optimal solution to a sample problem. Next, "Analyzing the algorithm" introduces a couple of visualizations for evaluating the search process. The last two sections explore an alternative method for calcuting bounds, and visualize how the choice of bounding function affects the quality of the resulting solution. The section "Detour: an exact solution" presents a completely different approach to solving the knapsack, and in this essay is only valuable because it leads to the improved bounds-approximation method introduced in the following section.

The Knapsack problem

The knapsack problem, in its simplest form, asks: given a sack with a maximum carrying capacity, and a set of items of varying weights and values, take a subset of the items that has the highest total value but that still fits in the sack. The puzzlr package includes functions to create instances of the knapsack problem:

ks <- weakly_correlated_instance(n = 50)
## knapsack
## capacity: 19726 
##    items: 50 
## weight value 
##     46     50   128
##     14     26    59
##     41     75   117
##     49    195   284
##     50    184   266
##     36    184   260
##    ...
## Taken items: 0 
## Total value: 0

Each instance consists of a capacity and a set of items:

## [1] 19726
## # A tibble: 50 x 3
##       id weight value
##  * <int>  <int> <dbl>
##  1    46     50 128  
##  2    14     26  59.0
##  3    41     75 117  
##  4    49    195 284  
##  5    50    184 266  
##  6    36    184 260  
##  7    28    277 355  
##  8     7    220 277  
##  9    35    330 387  
## 10    33    195 222  
## # ... with 40 more rows

By default, items in knapsack instances are ordered in decreasing order of value per unit weight, or density. The top item for a given knapsack instance can be accessed with the next_item function:

## $id
## [1] 46
## $weight
## [1] 50
## $value
## [1] 128

Given a knapsack instance, a new instance can be created by either taking or leaving the next item, leaving a sub problem:

## knapsack
## capacity: 19676 
##    items: 49 
## weight value 
##     14     26    59
##     41     75   117
##     49    195   284
##     50    184   266
##     36    184   260
##     28    277   355
##    ...
## Taken items: 1 
## Total value: 128
## knapsack
## capacity: 19726 
##    items: 49 
## weight value 
##     14     26    59
##     41     75   117
##     49    195   284
##     50    184   266
##     36    184   260
##     28    277   355
##    ...
## Taken items: 0 
## Total value: 0
## [[1]]
## knapsack
## capacity: 19676 
##    items: 49 
## weight value 
##     14     26    59
##     41     75   117
##     49    195   284
##     50    184   266
##     36    184   260
##     28    277   355
##    ...
## Taken items: 1 
## Total value: 128
## [[2]]
## knapsack
## capacity: 19726 
##    items: 49 
## weight value 
##     14     26    59
##     41     75   117
##     49    195   284
##     50    184   266
##     36    184   260
##     28    277   355
##    ...
## Taken items: 0 
## Total value: 0

In this way, one can exhaustively enumerate all subsets of items: with the original problem as a root node, create two branches based on the subproblems take_next(ks) and leave_next(ks), and then construct each of their two subproblems, and so on until there are no more items left to consider. The optimal solution is found in one of the leaf nodes of the tree – among those leaf nodes whose aggregate weight does not exceed capacity(ks), it is the one that maximizes the total value. Given n items, there are 2n leaf nodes. So how can one find the optimal solution in a reasonable amount of time?

Branch and bound

Branch and bound is a family of algorithms for finding the provably optimal solution of a problem like the knapsack that can be represented in terms of branching sub-problems. In the case of the knapsack problem, given a fast way to estimate upper and lower bounds on the true optimum for a sub-problem, prune the search tree during its construction:

The lazily evaluated lists from the lazylist package provide an appealing way to implement branch-and-bound, due to the ability to define data structures recursively. I’ll start with the high-level implementation and then fill in the details. I use the empty_stream() to prune or terminate a search path, and merge multiple search paths into one by using a search_strategy that prioritizes search nodes:

solution_tree <- function(root, 
                          search_strategy, # e.g. best-first, depth-first
                          best_so_far) {
    branches <- branch(root)
    if (length(branches) == 0) return(empty_stream())
    explore_and_prune <- function(node) {
        if (upper_bound(node) < best_so_far) return(empty_stream())
        new_best <- max(best_so_far, lower_bound(node))
                                  branch = branch,
                                  search_strategy = search_strategy,
                                  best_so_far = new_best))
    branches <- purrr::map(branches, explore_and_prune)
    purrr::reduce(branches, search_strategy)

Search strategy

A search strategy should be a function that takes two lazy-lists (or “streams”) and merges them into one. Since it’s being applied repeatedly at every branch, I like to visualize its effect as braiding or interleaving all of the branches together. The result is a single stream of search nodes, with ordering dependent on the search strategy. There are multiple search strategies I might implement this way: breadth-first, depth-first, etc. As a first example, I’ll implement best-first search, in which, at each stage of the search, the “best” node is considered, with “best” defined as the node with the highest upper_bound. Again, the ability to define things recursively helps – best_first is defined as taking the better of the two head elements of two streams, along with the best_first of the remaining elements of both streams:

best_first <- function(s1, s2) {
    if (is_emptystream(s1)) return(s2)
    if (is_emptystream(s2)) return(s1)
    node1 <- stream_car(s1)
    node2 <- stream_car(s2)
    if (upper_bound(node1) >= upper_bound(node2)) {
                           best_first(stream_cdr(s1), s2) ))
                best_first(s1, stream_cdr(s2)) )

Search nodes and branching

I still need a way to create search nodes that have upper_bound and lower_bound methods. I’ll define a search node as a knapsack instance with some additional information tacked on.

search_node <- function(ks, bounds) {
    # if there are no items left, then we can't add any more value
    if (n_items(ks) == 0) return(
        list(problem = ks,
             upper_bound = total_value(ks),
             lower_bound = total_value(ks))
    b <- bounds(ks)
    list(problem = ks, 
         upper_bound = b$upper_bound,
         lower_bound = b$lower_bound)
upper_bound <- function(node) node$upper_bound
lower_bound <- function(node) node$lower_bound

Greedy: a simple bounding function

I’ve so far been working under the assumption that there is a quick way to estimate the upper and lower bounds of a knapsack instance. There are various trivial bounds to a problem, for instance a lower bound of 0, or an upper bound equal to the sum of values of all of items. I’m looking for two qualities from a bounding function, and they are in conflict with one another:

Since items are already sorted in order of density, I can take items one at a time until the knapsack is full, giving a decent lower bound. To get an upper bound, I consider an easier to solve problem: what is the most value possible if I’m allowed to take fractional items? Taking items in order of density and then taking a fraction of the next item will result in a total value that is no less than the true optimum. The greedy function calculates both bounds, and also returns the remaining sub-problem after achieving the lower bound:

greedy <- function(ks) {
    item <- next_item(ks)
    # if the only remaining item doesn't fit
    if (n_items(ks) == 1 && item$weight > capacity(ks)) return(
        list(lower_bound = total_value(ks),
             upper_bound = total_value(ks),
             remaining = leave_next(ks))
    remaining <- ks
    while (!is.null(item) && 
           item$weight <= capacity(remaining)) {
        remaining <- take_next(remaining)
        item <- next_item(remaining)
    lower_bound <- total_value(remaining)
    upper_bound <- lower_bound
    if (capacity(remaining) > 0 && !is.null(item)) {
        partial_amount <- capacity(remaining) / item$weight
        upper_bound <- upper_bound + (partial_amount * item$value)
    list(lower_bound = lower_bound,
         upper_bound = upper_bound,
         remaining = remaining)

## $lower_bound
## [1] 20295
## $upper_bound
## [1] 20462.29
## $remaining
## knapsack
## capacity: 192 
##    items: 11 
## weight value 
##     13    373   325
##     39    579   480
##     22    267   220
##     34    496   402
##      3    405   325
##     18    402   321
##    ...
## Taken items: 39 
## Total value: 20295
# the root of the search tree for ks:
search_node(ks, bounds = greedy)
## $problem
## knapsack
## capacity: 19726 
##    items: 50 
## weight value 
##     46     50   128
##     14     26    59
##     41     75   117
##     49    195   284
##     50    184   266
##     36    184   260
##    ...
## Taken items: 0 
## Total value: 0
## $upper_bound
## [1] 20462.29
## $lower_bound
## [1] 20295

Generating the solution

I now have all of the necessary components of a knapsack solver:

solve_knapsack <- function(ks, bounds, search_strategy) {
    root <- search_node(ks, bounds = bounds)
    # branch function takes a search node and returns its children
    branch <- function(node) {
        subprobs <- sub_problems(node$problem)
        purrr::map(subprobs, search_node, bounds = bounds)
                              branch = branch,
                              search_strategy = search_strategy,
                              best_so_far = root$lower_bound))

solution <- solve_knapsack(ks, bounds = greedy, 
                           search_strategy = best_first)
## $problem
## knapsack
## capacity: 1722 
##    items: 13 
## weight value 
##     25    651   576
##     42    763   674
##     13    373   325
##     39    579   480
##     22    267   220
##     34    496   402
##    ...
## Taken items: 36 
## Total value: 18931
## $upper_bound
## [1] 20449.36
## $lower_bound
## [1] 20181

Since I’m using best-first search, I know that the first node that I see whose upper bound and lower bound are equal must be the optimal solution, because the upper bound at any given moment is the highest known upper bound for the entire problem.

optimal <- stream_which(solution, 
                        function(x) upper_bound(x) == lower_bound(x))
optimal <- optimal[1]
## [1] 70
## $problem
## knapsack
## capacity: 11859 
##    items: 29 
## weight value 
##      1    700   731
##     24    299   312
##     29    399   411
##     20    852   862
##      5    286   289
##     26    584   588
##    ...
## Taken items: 20 
## Total value: 9029
## $upper_bound
## [1] 20430
## $lower_bound
## [1] 20430

In order to actually see the items that were taken, I need to follow the solution down the tree to the leaf node, which is when there are no more items in the remaining sub-problem:

solution_items <- solution %>% 
    stream_filter(function(x) n_items(x$problem) == 0) %>%
    purrr::pluck(1, "problem") %>% 
## # A tibble: 39 x 3
##       id weight value
##    <int>  <int> <dbl>
##  1    13    373   325
##  2    42    763   674
##  3    25    651   576
##  4    37    655   590
##  5     8    822   741
##  6    31    669   627
##  7    27    612   582
##  8    47    941   895
##  9    40    884   847
## 10    15    116   114
## # ... with 29 more rows
# check that we are within capacity and that items sum to optimal value
dplyr::summarise(solution_items, w = sum(weight), v = sum(value))
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##       w     v
##   <int> <dbl>
## 1 19726 20430

Analyzing the algorithm

The solution object contains the full search history, starting from the original problem at solution[1] to the solution on step 70.

solution_df <- data_frame(
    timestamp = seq_len(optimal),
    lower_bound = stream_map(solution, lower_bound) %>% 
        as.list(from = 1, to = optimal) %>% as.numeric,
    upper_bound = stream_map(solution, upper_bound) %>%
        as.list(from = 1, to = optimal) %>% as.numeric) %>%
    mutate(best_seen = cummax(lower_bound))
## # A tibble: 70 x 4
##    timestamp lower_bound upper_bound best_seen
##        <int>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1         1       20295       20462     20295
##  2         2       20295       20462     20295
##  3         3       20295       20462     20295
##  4         4       20295       20462     20295
##  5         5       20295       20462     20295
##  6         6       20295       20462     20295
##  7         7       20295       20462     20295
##  8         8       20295       20462     20295
##  9         9       20295       20462     20295
## 10        10       20295       20462     20295
## # ... with 60 more rows

I can visualize progress towards the solution:

theme_set(hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum() + 
              theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#fdfdfd",
                                                   colour = NA)))

solution_df %>%
    select(-lower_bound) %>%
    gather(series, value, -timestamp) %>%
    mutate(series = fct_rev(series)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = timestamp, y = value)) +
    geom_line(aes(linetype = series)) +
    scale_linetype_manual(values = c("best_seen" = 2, 
                                     "upper_bound" = 3)) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
    ggtitle("Progress towards optimal solution")

We don’t have to run solution until a provably optimal solution – we can stop earlier if we like. If we did so, we’d return the best_seen value as the best we could do. In fact, we can calculate the best seen percent of upper bound at each step, and so even if we stopped early, we’d be able to report a guarantee on how close the given solution is to optimal (even though we wouldn’t know the true optimal solution). For instance, by time 60, we know that our best solution is at least 99.8% of the true optimum:

solution_df %>%
    mutate(pct_of_upper_bound = best_seen / upper_bound) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = timestamp, y = pct_of_upper_bound)) +
    geom_line() +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
    ggtitle("Solution quality over time",
            "expressed as percent of known upper bound")

Detour: an exact solution

In addition to branch-and-bound based solutions, there are a couple of different dynamic programming based solutions to the knapsack. The one I’ll explore here breaks the problem down into sub-problems in a somewhat unintuitive, but ultimately useful way. First, we re-frame the question: for a given value v, and only considering items 1 through n, what is the smallest knapsack (in terms of capacity) required in order to have items whose values add up to exactly v? We’ll create a function mincap(n, v) to answer that question.

I can work out a recursive solution. Assume we know the value of mincap for numbers less than n. Then I’m left looking at the nth item. The solution to mincap(n, v) either includes the nth item, in which case I add the weight of the nth item to the solution of the resulting subproblem (here value[n] is the value of the nth item, and weight[n] is its weight):

mincap(n, v) == weight[n] + mincap(n - 1, v - value[n])

Or does not include the nth item, in which case:

mincap(n, v) == mincap(n - 1, v)

Whether to include or exclude the nth item depends on which of those two expressions evaluates to a smaller amount. Putting those ideas together in a function, I get:

mincap <- function(n, v) {
    if (v == 0) return(0)
    if (n == 0) return(Inf)
    if (value[n] > v) {
        mincap(n - 1, v)
    } else {
        min(mincap(n - 1, v),
            weight[n] + mincap(n - 1, v - value[n]))

But what does any of this have to do with solving the knapsack? Well, if I know some max_value that is achievable in this instance of the knapsack (an upper bound, that is), then I can try mincap(n_items(ks), k) for decreasing values of k until I find one whose result is less than or equal to capacity(ks), thus discovering the optimal value for the knapsack (here num_items is the number of items in the instance, and capacity is its capacity):

k <- max_value(ks)
while (mincap(num_items, k) > capacity) k <- k - 1

I can use greedy to find an upper bound (the max_value). So I have just about everything I need.

There’s still one problem: I’m re-calculating mincap over and over for the same inputs. To get the value of mincap(n, v) I need to calculate

This is an instance where caching, or memoization, can make a big difference. Since mincap has two integer arguments and an integer output, I can use a matrix to store already-calculated values – looking up a single value in a matrix can be done very quickly. So implementing all of the ideas, my overall function now looks like:

exact_solution <- function(ks) {
    num_items <- n_items(ks) 
    items <- items(ks)
    capacity <- capacity(ks)
    weight <- items$weight
    value <- items$value
    max_value <- floor(greedy(ks)$upper_bound)
    cache <- matrix(nrow = num_items, ncol = max_value, 
                    data = NA_integer_)
    mincap <- function(n, v) {
        if (v == 0) return(0)
        if (n == 0) return(Inf)
        if (![n, v])) return(cache[n, v])
        if (value[n] > v) {
            res <- mincap(n - 1, v)
        } else {
            res <- min(mincap(n - 1, v),
                       weight[n] + mincap(n - 1, v - value[n]))
        cache[n, v] <<- res
    k <- max_value
    while (mincap(num_items, k) > capacity) k <- k - 1
## [1] 20430

I can verify that that is the optimum by comparing to the solution from the previous section (yes, it is!), but how can I get see the items taken to get to that value? I can trace my way through the items in reverse, knowing that the only reason that mincap(n, v) would not be the same as mincap(n - 1, v) would be because I took item n. I track back this way, flagging taken items until I’ve accounted for all of the optimal solution value.

exact_solution <- function(ks) {
    num_items <- n_items(ks)
    items <- items(ks)
    capacity <- capacity(ks)
    weight <- items$weight
    value <- items$value
    max_value <- floor(greedy(ks)$upper_bound)
    cache <- matrix(nrow = num_items, ncol = max_value, 
                    data = NA_integer_)
    mincap <- function(n, v) {
        if (v == 0) return(0)
        if (n == 0) return(Inf)
        if (![n, v])) return(cache[n, v])
        if (value[n] > v) {
            res <- mincap(n - 1, v)
        } else {
            res <- min(mincap(n - 1, v),
                       weight[n] + mincap(n - 1, v - value[n]))
        cache[n, v] <<- res
    k <- max_value
    while (mincap(num_items, k) > capacity) k <- k - 1
    # trace-back to find the items in the solution
    n <- num_items; v <- k
    selected <- vector("logical", num_items)
    while(v > 0) {
        if (mincap(n, v) != mincap(n - 1, v)) {
            selected[n] <- TRUE
            v <- v - value[n]
        n <- n - 1

    list(lower_bound = k, upper_bound = k,
         remaining = take_items(ks, items$id[selected]))

And now I do see that I get the same solution as in the previous section:

## $lower_bound
## [1] 20430
## $upper_bound
## [1] 20430
## $remaining
## knapsack
## capacity: 0 
##    items: 0 
## weight value 
## Taken items: 39 
## Total value: 20430

If we have an exact solution, why bother with branching-and-bounding? The dimensions of the cache matrix in exact_solution provide a hint: exact_solution will require space and time proportional to the number of items times max_value. max_value, meanwhile, just depends on the values of the items in the knapsack. We can see this clearly by comparing execution time among knapsack instances that are essentially the same, except that the values have been scaled:

ks1 <- subset_sum_instance(n = 10)
ks2 <- knapsack(capacity = capacity(ks1),
                items = items(ks1) %>% mutate(value = value * 8))
ks3 <- knapsack(capacity = capacity(ks1),
                items = items(ks1) %>% mutate(value = value * 16))
ks4 <- knapsack(capacity = capacity(ks1),
                items = items(ks1) %>% mutate(value = value * 32))

    times = 10
) %>% print(signif = 1)
## Unit: milliseconds
##                 expr min   lq     mean median   uq  max neval
##  exact_solution(ks1)  30   30  28.9307     30   30   40    10
##  exact_solution(ks2) 200  200 242.3403    200  200  300    10
##  exact_solution(ks3) 500  500 534.6781    500  500  800    10
##  exact_solution(ks4) 900 1000 974.0433   1000 1000 1000    10

So, exact_solution will not scale very well. However, we can use it to build a better approximation than greedy.

Better approximations during branch-and-bound

In the previous section we saw an algorithm that provides the exact optimal solution to the knapsack problem, but it does not scale well. In particular, it gets much slower as the items increase in value, even if nothing else about the instance changes.

But what would happen if we just scaled the values down? As it turns out, that is the idea behind a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (or FPTAS) for the knapsack! If we scale all of the items in a clever way, it can be shown that the taking the items selected by running the exact_solution on the scaled-down instance will result in a solution to the unscaled instance that is close to optimal. Specifically, we can get to within at least 1 − ϵ where ϵ is a parameter.

fptas <- function(ks, epsilon) {
    items <- items(ks)
    largest_value <- max(items$value)
    scaling_factor <- epsilon * (largest_value / n_items(ks))
    new_values <- floor(items$value / scaling_factor)
    new_items <- items
    new_items$value <- new_values
    new_ks <- knapsack(capacity = capacity(ks), items = new_items)
    approximate_solution <- taken_items(exact_solution(new_ks)$remaining)
    if (nrow(approximate_solution) > 0) {
        approximate_solution <- take_items(ks, approximate_solution$id) 
    } else {
        approximate_solution <- ks
    lower_bound <- total_value(approximate_solution)
    upper_bound <- lower_bound / (1 - epsilon)
    list(remaining = approximate_solution,
         lower_bound = lower_bound,
         upper_bound = min(upper_bound, greedy(ks)$upper_bound))

Notice that fptas gives us a tighter lower bound than greedy:

## [1] 30088
lower_bound(fptas(ks2, epsilon = .3))
## [1] 33288

And fptas is also much faster than exact_solution:

    fptas(ks2, epsilon = .3), 
    times = 10) %>% print(signif = 1)
## Unit: milliseconds
##                       expr min  lq       mean median  uq max neval
##        exact_solution(ks2) 200 200 254.687448    200 300 300    10
##  fptas(ks2, epsilon = 0.3)   4   4   4.538809      4   5   6    10


We now have two bounding functions (greedy and fptas), and we can compare how well branch-and-bound performs when using each. The paper Where are the hard knapsack problems? by David Pisinger describes and categorizes a number of different knapsack problem types based on their difficulty. Among them are:

The puzzlr package provides functions to generate these and other types of knapsack instances described in the paper. I’ll generate instances of each of the three types described above, with different numbers of items:

problems <- expand.grid(
    n = c(20L, 40L, 80L),
    problem_type = c("weakly_correlated_instance",
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% tbl_df %>%
    mutate(arglist = map(n, ~list(n = .x)),
           instance = map2(problem_type, arglist, 
                 , args = .y))) %>%

I can use purrr to generate solutions for each problem.

solutions <- problems %>%
    mutate(sol_fptas = map(instance, solve_knapsack,
                           bounds = function(x) fptas(x, .3),
                           search_strategy = best_first),
           sol_greedy = map(instance, solve_knapsack,
                            bounds = greedy,
                            search_strategy = best_first))
## # A tibble: 9 x 5
##       n problem_type                 instance       sol_fptas   sol_greedy
##   <int> <chr>                        <list>         <list>      <list>    
## 1    20 weakly_correlated_instance   <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…
## 2    40 weakly_correlated_instance   <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…
## 3    80 weakly_correlated_instance   <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…
## 4    20 strongly_correlated_instance <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…
## 5    40 strongly_correlated_instance <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…
## 6    80 strongly_correlated_instance <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…
## 7    20 subset_sum_instance          <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…
## 8    40 subset_sum_instance          <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…
## 9    80 subset_sum_instance          <S3: knapsack> <S3: lazyl… <S3: lazy…

I’ll create a couple of helper functions to make the rest of the code clearer – find_index will find the index of the optimal solution, or stop trying after 1,000 steps, and to_df will extract some useful metrics from the solving process, as we did in the first section.

find_index <- function(s, max_search = 1000) {
    n <- 1L
    current <- stream_car(s)
    while (n < max_search && 
           upper_bound(current) > lower_bound(current)) {
        s <- stream_cdr(s)
        n <- n + 1L
        current <- stream_car(s)

to_df <- function(s) {
    until <- find_index(s)
        timestamp = seq_len(until),
        lower_bound = stream_map(s, lower_bound) %>% 
            as.list(from = 1, to = until) %>% as.numeric,
        upper_bound = stream_map(s, upper_bound) %>%
            as.list(from = 1, to = until) %>% as.numeric) %>%
        mutate(best_seen = cummax(lower_bound))

Now I can run branch-and-bound solvers on every problem instance:

solutions <- solutions %>%
    mutate(fptas = map(sol_fptas, to_df),
           greedy = map(sol_greedy, to_df))
solutions %>% select(n, problem_type, fptas, greedy)
## # A tibble: 9 x 4
##       n problem_type                 fptas                greedy          
##   <int> <chr>                        <list>               <list>          
## 1    20 weakly_correlated_instance   <tibble [138 × 4]>   <tibble [138 × …
## 2    40 weakly_correlated_instance   <tibble [90 × 4]>    <tibble [90 × 4…
## 3    80 weakly_correlated_instance   <tibble [677 × 4]>   <tibble [677 × …
## 4    20 strongly_correlated_instance <tibble [110 × 4]>   <tibble [110 × …
## 5    40 strongly_correlated_instance <tibble [1,000 × 4]> <tibble [1,000 …
## 6    80 strongly_correlated_instance <tibble [1,000 × 4]> <tibble [1,000 …
## 7    20 subset_sum_instance          <tibble [1 × 4]>     <tibble [1,000 …
## 8    40 subset_sum_instance          <tibble [4 × 4]>     <tibble [994 × …
## 9    80 subset_sum_instance          <tibble [2 × 4]>     <tibble [480 × …

In several cases, the two solution strategies required the same number of iterations (visible in the number of rows in each solution data frame) to get a provably optimal solution. That’s because to prove optimality, I need to show that my solution is better than the upper bound of any other solution path. fptas improved our lower bounds, but not the upper bounds (exercise for another day: implement stronger upper bounds). However, the improved lower bounds mean we are able to achieve a higher “percent of known upper bound” earlier in the process. If we only needed a solution that was provably close to optimal, without necessarily being optimal, the better lower bounds fptas would allow us to stop earlier.

solution_history <- solutions %>% 
    select(n, problem_type, fptas, greedy) %>%
    mutate(problem_type = 
               str_replace_all(problem_type, "_instance", "") %>%
               str_replace_all("_", " ")) %>%
    gather(solution_type, solution, -n, -problem_type) %>%
    unnest %>%
    mutate(n = paste0("n = ", n), 
           pct_of_upper_bound = best_seen / upper_bound)

solution_summary <- solution_history %>% 
    filter(pct_of_upper_bound == 1)

       aes(x = timestamp, 
           y = pct_of_upper_bound,
           colour = solution_type)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point(data = solution_summary, size = 2, alpha = .5,
               aes(shape = solution_type)) +
    scale_shape_discrete(guide = "none") +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent,
                       name = "% of upper bound") +
    scale_colour_discrete(name = "Approximation type") +
    facet_grid(n ~ problem_type, scales = "free_y") +
    ggtitle("Comparing FPTAS to greedy approximation",
            "by instance type/size (dot indicates optimal solution)") +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom",
          panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "gray80", size = .1),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

The fptas strategy really shines on the “strongly correlated” and “subset sum” knapsack instances: in the former case, though neither strategy found a provably optimal solution for the larger instances, fptas gave a much higher quality solution from the start than greedy was able to acheive even after 1,000 steps. In the case of subset sum instances, fptas resulted in an optimal solution almost immediately, while greedy labored for many more steps (note it’s not quite fair to compare head-to-head in this way, since greedy is much faster than fptas, but the point of this exercise is to explore how bounding functions can affect the branch-and-bound search – separate from optimizing the execution time of the individual bounding functions).