The median game is described in the blogpost The Median Game by Gil Kalai, which I found via a tweet by Jordan Ellenberg.
The blogpost describes the game [check the comments to the post for variations]:
There are three players and they play the game for eight rounds. In every round all players simultaneously say a number between 1 and 8. A player whose number is (strictly) between the other two get a point. At the end of the game the winner is the player whose number of points is strictly between those of the others.
I created the mediangame
package to experiment with
different strategies for playing the game. For example, to simulate
1,000 games using a random strategy:
stooges <- list(
larry = random_player,
moe = random_player,
curly = random_player
random_results <- replicate(
simplify = FALSE
## winner: curly
## final scores:
## larry: 1
## moe: 3
## curly: 2
map_chr(random_results, "game_winner") %>%
## .
## curly larry moe NO WINNER
## 157 171 150 522
Here a “player” is just a function with two arguments, the first argument is the player’s own score, and the second argument is a named vector containing the opponents’ scores. The output is not a single number, but a probability distribution that associates a probability to each of the integers between 1 and 8.
random_player(myscore = 2,
others = c(larry = 1, moe = 4)) %>%
## [1] 0.11 0.22 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.17 0.19 0.14
When the game is simulated, this function is called to generate the probability distribution, and the simulation will then draw from that distribution in order to generate the play for that round.
Consider a strategy of always picking the number 4:
always_n <- function(n) {
function(myscore, others) {
res <- numeric(8)
res[n] <- 1
always_4 <- always_n(4)
players <- list(
always_4 = always_4,
random_1 = random_player,
random_2 = random_player
a4_v_random <- replicate(1000,
simplify = FALSE)
map_chr(a4_v_random, "game_winner") %>% table
## .
## always_4 NO WINNER random_1 random_2
## 71 483 210 236
As you might expect, playing 4 every time wins too many rounds. The way to extract final scores from each round is a little quirky – the game results object includes the score before each round, and the final score is kept as the ninth element of the list:
by_game <- map(a4_v_random, ~.$scores[[9]]) %>%
map2_df(.x = ., .y = seq_along(.),
~add_column(enframe(.x), game = rep(.y, 3), .before = 1))
Now I can look at the mean scores. As expected, always_4
wins far too
many rounds:
spread(by_game, name, value) %>%
summarise_each(funs(mean), -game)
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
## always_4 random_1 random_2
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 3.025 1.112 1.138
The function analyze_game
summarizes game information in order to make
it easier to learn from. The column game_win
is -1 for a loss, 0 for a
tie (“NO WINNER”), and +1 for a win. Note that that is the result for
the entire game, not just the current round.
train <- map_df(random_results, analyze_game)
So I can train a model to predict the outcome of a game from a particular player’s perspective, given the current score and the number that player plays for that round:
train %>%
select(my_score:game_win) %>%
randomForest(game_win ~ ., data = .) -> treemod
To turn this model into a median game player:
tree_player <- function(myscore, others) {
others <- sort(others)
df <- data.frame(
my_score = unname(myscore),
p1_score = others[[2]],
p2_score = others[[1]],
my_play = 1:8
preds <- unname(predict(treemod, newdata = df))
if (any(preds < 0)) preds <- preds - min(preds) + .01
preds / sum(preds)
Now we can play the tree_player
against some random competition:
final_players <- list(
tree_player = tree_player,
random_1 = random_player,
random_2 = random_player
final_results <- replicate(1000,
simplify = FALSE)
map_chr(final_results, "game_winner") %>% table
## .
## NO WINNER random_1 random_2 tree_player
## 604 99 93 204