using PureFun
using PureFun.Linked: List

The balanced parentheses problem:

Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.

An input string is valid if:

  • Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
  • Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.

So, for example:

  • (): valid
  • ()[]{}: valid
  • (]: invalid
  • {[}]: invalid
  • {[{()}]}: valid

we start with some helper functions:

isopening(char) = char ∈ [ '(', '{', '[' ]
isclosing(char) = char ∈ [ ')', '}', ']' ]

function bracketmatch(b1, b2)
    b1 == '(' && b2 == ')' ||
    b1 == '{' && b2 == '}' ||
    b1 == '[' && b2 == ']'

For the main logic, we traverse the characters of the input string, keeping track of any unclosed open brackets we've seen on a stack. If we encounter a closing bracket, we check whether it closes the most recent opening bracket, and if it does we continue to match the previous opening bracket.

function balanced(chars, opens)
    isempty(chars) && return isempty(opens)
    c, rest... = chars
    isopening(c) ?
        balanced(rest, c ⇀ opens) :
        valid(opens, c) && balanced(rest, popfirst(opens))

valid(opens, c)  = !isempty(opens) && bracketmatch(opens[1], c);

We can overload balanced to do the initial setup:

balanced(input) = balanced(input, empty(List(input)));

let's see how it works:

test_data = ["()", "()[]{}",  "(]", "{[}]", "{[{()}]}"]
expected =  [true,   true,   false,  false,    true]

actual = map(balanced, test_data)
all(actual .== expected)

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