using PureFun
using PureFun.Linked: List
using Plots, BenchmarkTools

Exercise 2.1: Write a function suffixes of type List{α} -> List{List{α}} that takes a list xs and returns a list of all the suffixes of xs in decreasing order of length. For example:

suffixes([1,2,3,4]) = [[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4], [3,4], [4], []]

Show that the resulting list of suffixes can be generated in $\mathcal{O}(n)$ time and represented in $\mathcal{O}(n)$ space

Set up a test case

test = [1,2,3,4];
expected_output = [[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4], [3,4], [4], Int[]];

The suffixes function

Our strategy is: we'll traverse the input from the right. We'll generate the suffixes in ascending order and successively place each one at the top of our solution, so that at the end we have the desired output:

suffixes(l) = foldr( add_suffix, l, init = empty_suffixlist(eltype(l)) );

We still have to define add_suffix and empty_suffixlist.

For each element, add_suffix creates the next suffix by adding the element to the front of the most recently generated suffix, and then pushes the new suffix on to the top of the suffix list.

add_suffix(x, sufs) = (x ⇀ sufs[1]) ⇀ sufs;

For the base case, we initialize a list containing just the empty suffix:

empty_suffixlist(::Type{T}) where T = List{T}() ⇀ List{List{T}}();

Confirm the solution is valid

@assert all(collect.(suffixes(test)) .== expected_output)

Time and space complexity

First, we generate some data for the experiments:

input_lists = List.(1:k for k in 25:25:500);
input_lengths = length.(input_lists);

Now, we measure the time and the space used to generate suffixes. I'd like to avoid running benchmarking code on a documentation server. But it seems reasonable by looking at the code that the time required to generate suffixes will be proportional to the amount of memory allocated, so I'll use memory allocated during the operation as a proxy for time:

allocated = map(input_lists) do l
    @allocated suffixes(l)

suffix_sizes = map(suffixes.(input_lists)) do s

Our solution satisfies the $\mathcal{O}(n)$ space requirement:

plot(input_lengths, suffix_sizes/1000,
     seriestype = :scatter,
     xlabel = "# of input elements",
     ylabel = "kB",
     title = "Space required to represent all suffixes of a list",
     legend = false)

Similarly, the amount of memory allocated in the process of generating the suffixes is approximately linear in the length of the input:

plot(input_lengths, allocated/1000,
     seriestype = :scatter,
     xlabel = "# of input elements",
     ylabel = "memory allocated (kB)",
     title = "Total memory allocated during construction of suffixes",
     legend = false)

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