using PureFun, PureFun.HashMaps, PureFun.Tries
using Test, BenchmarkTools, Random

Setup: testing dictionary implementations for correctness

In the following essay, we'll construct a variety of immutable dictionary types. We start with some basic tests to convince ourselves that the dictionaries work as expected

nstrings(n) = collect(randstring(rand(8:15)) for _ in 1:n)
randpairs(n) = (k => v for (k,v) in zip(nstrings(n), rand(Int, n)))

function test_dicttype(D)
    @testset "basic tests for $D" begin

        kvs = randpairs(100)
        testdict = D(kvs)

        @test all(testdict[p.first] == p.second for p in kvs)
        @test empty(testdict) |> isempty

        e = D{String,String}()
        @test isempty(e)

        d1 = setindex(e, "world", "hello")
        @test length(d1) == 1
        @test d1["hello"] == "world"
    return nothing

Microbenchmarks will be noisy when run on the documentation server. In the essay below, instead of running the benchmarking code, I'll report my results from running the code locally. But I'm including the benchmarking code used here for those who want to follow along. Note that actual performance of any dictionary will depend on the size and distribution of keys, the tests here are not meant to be comprehensive, but are meant to illustrate the concepts and tradeoffs explored below.

function bench_dicttype(D, n)
    kvs = randpairs(n)
    testdict = D(kvs)
    ks = collect(kv.first for kv in kvs)
    search_hit  = @benchmark $testdict[k] setup=k=rand($ks)
    search_miss = @benchmark get($testdict, "nonexisting key", -1)
    (size = n,
     search_hit_ns  = round(Int, median(search_hit).time),
     search_miss_ns = round(Int, median(search_miss).time))

As a reference point, we see how Base.Dict looks:

julia> bench_dicttype(Dict, 10)
(size = 10, search_hit_ns = 12, search_miss_ns = 11)

julia> bench_dicttype(Dict, 100)
(size = 100, search_hit_ns = 11, search_miss_ns = 11)

julia> bench_dicttype(Dict, 100_000)
(size = 100000, search_hit_ns = 12, search_miss_ns = 11)

julia> bench_dicttype(Dict, 1_000_000)
(size = 1000000, search_hit_ns = 12, search_miss_ns = 18)

Introduction: hashmaps

Exercise 10.11 of Purely Functional Data Structures describes a hashmap (or hashtable) as a nested dictionary, an outer dictionary that maps approximate keys to inner dictionaries keyed by exact keys. We complete the definition by specifying a hash function that converts exact keys to approximate keys. For example, in C++ the std::unordered_map uses std::hash as a hash function that maps input keys to integers, an array as the approximate dictionary (think of an array as a dictionary with integer keys), and a linked list as the exact dictionary.

PureFun.HashMaps.@hashmap constructs new dictionary types by assembling hashmaps from specified components:

const RBDict = PureFun.RedBlack.RBDict{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}

         approx   = RBDict,
         exact    = PureFun.Association.List,
         hashfunc = hash)

hashfunc is optional, and is set to Base.hash by default.[hashfuncs]

We now test and benchmark RedBlackHashMap:

Test Summary:                                   | Pass  Total  Time
basic tests for Main.var"##319".RedBlackHashMap |    5      5  0.9s

Though the resulting benchmarks are still impressive, we can see that search times slow down as the collection gets larger.

julia> bench_dicttype(RedBlackHashMap, 10)
(size = 10, search_hit_ns = 31, search_miss_ns = 16)

julia> bench_dicttype(RedBlackHashMap, 100)
(size = 100, search_hit_ns = 35, search_miss_ns = 24)

julia> bench_dicttype(RedBlackHashMap, 100_000)
(size = 100000, search_hit_ns = 69, search_miss_ns = 59)

julia> bench_dicttype(RedBlackHashMap, 1_000_000)
(size = 1000000, search_hit_ns = 81, search_miss_ns = 71)

Alas, anyone who's been using Base.Dict will have become accustomed to constant time lookups and inserts, while the RedBlackHashMap requires $\log_{2}n$ time. Can we do better?

Improving on $\mathcal{O}(\log_{2}n)$

PureFun.Contiguous.bitmap allows us to construct fast and compact dictionaries over integer keys, with lookups requiring a single memory access plus a couple of hardware-optimized bit-shift operations. The resulting dictionary is nearly as fast at indexing integer keys as a raw Base.Vector, but is sparse, requiring just one bit of extra storage for each key that is not present. The drawback is that we are limited to small keys. Still, we can construct a tiny version of C++'s std::unordered_map[addone]:

const BitMap = PureFun.Contiguous.bitmap(64)

         approx   = BitMap,
         exact    = PureFun.Association.List,
         hashfunc = x -> 1 + hash(x) % 64)

Test Summary:                                 | Pass  Total  Time
basic tests for Main.var"##319".BitMapHashMap |    5      5  0.2s

Once again I ran the benchmarks locally:

julia> bench_dicttype(BitMapHashMap, 10)
(size = 10, search_hit_ns = 23, search_miss_ns = 11)

julia> bench_dicttype(BitMapHashMap, 100)
(size = 100, search_hit_ns = 24, search_miss_ns = 18)

julia> bench_dicttype(BitMapHashMap, 100_000)
(size = 100000, search_hit_ns = 4171, search_miss_ns = 11417)

For small collections, the BitMapHashMap provides lookup times comparable to Base.Dict, but if our collection grows much at all, lookup times devolve to linear in the number of elements, as the pigeonhole principle pushes most of the search down to the linked lists. We're calculating a full 64-bit hash, but we lose most of that information when we squeeze it into a BitMap that can only hold small numbers. What we need is a way to generalize the performance benefits of the BitMap to larger keys.

Tries: chaining together smaller dictionaries

Chapter 10, ($\S{10.3.1}$) of Purely Functional Data Structures introduces another dictionary type, the trie. It's described as "a multiway tree where each edge is labelled with a character." In PureFun.jl, tries can be used not just with strings, but with any type of key that decomposes into a sequence of simpler keys.

Lookup and insertion times in tries are independent of the number of keys, and are instead linear in the length of keys. Tries in PureFun.jl use path compression, so in practice looking up well-distributed keys requires visiting a small number of nodes regardless of key length.

When implementing a trie, a critical question:

... is how to represent edges leaving a node. Ordinarily, we would represent the children of a multiway node as a list of trees, but here we also need to represent the edge labels. Depending on the choice of base type and the expected density of the trie, we might represent the edges leaving a node as a vector, an association list, a binary search tree, or even, if the base type is itself a list or a string, another trie! We abstract away from the particular representation of these edge maps ...

PureFun.Tries.@trie constructs new trie types given an edgemap type.

      edgemap = PureFun.RedBlack.RBDict{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering})

Test Summary:                                | Pass  Total  Time
basic tests for Main.var"##319".RedBlackTrie |    5      5  0.7s

We can use any key type that decomposes into a sequence of simpler keys, for example we can use a trie to organize integer sequences stored as linked lists:

const ∅ = PureFun.Linked.List{Int}()

RedBlackTrie((1 ⇀ 2 ⇀ ∅     => "inorder",
              3 ⇀ 2 ⇀ 1 ⇀ ∅ => "reversed",
              2 ⇀ 1 ⇀ 3 ⇀ ∅ => "random"))
Main.var"##319".RedBlackTrie{PureFun.Linked.NonEmpty{Int64}, String} with 3 entries:
  1, 2,  => "inorder"
  2, 1, 3,  => "random"
  3, 2, 1,  => "reversed"

Because we started with already randomized string keys (which we expect to be nicely distributed), the RedBlackTrie can shine without need for a hash function:

julia> bench_dicttype(RedBlackTrie, 10)
(size = 10, search_hit_ns = 40, search_miss_ns = 26)

julia> bench_dicttype(RedBlackTrie, 100)
(size = 100, search_hit_ns = 55, search_miss_ns = 39)

julia> bench_dicttype(RedBlackTrie, 100_000)
(size = 100000, search_hit_ns = 89, search_miss_ns = 68)

julia> bench_dicttype(RedBlackTrie, 1_000_000)
(size = 1000000, search_hit_ns = 109, search_miss_ns = 86)

biterate: iterating over sequences of bits

@trie takes, as an optional argument, a keyfunc that reinterprets the input key as a sequence of simpler keys. By default, keyfunc is equal to codeunits for String keys, in order to correctly handle strings with variable-width character encodings.

PureFun.Contiguous.biterate, which takes an integer key and efficiently[biterate] reinterprets it as a sequence of smaller integers, is especially relevant to the current discussion. The resulting sequence can be thought of as vector indexes, and in keeping with Julia's convention of 1-based indexing, the iterated elements start at 1. In the following example, we iterate over the input 8 bits at a time, outputting sequences of integers in the range $[1, 256]$ (since $2^{8} == 256$)

for i in PureFun.Contiguous.biterate(8, 19481210) println(i) end

We can use biterate to help us chain together BitMaps to store larger integer keys, we call the resulting structure a bitmapped trie or bitmapped array trie:

      edgemap = PureFun.Contiguous.bitmap(64),
      keyfunc = PureFun.Contiguous.biterate(6))

This dictionary type can only store integer keys, so instead of running it through the usual tests, we just run these ad hoc tests to make sure things are working:

bmt = BitMapTrie((0 => "wee", 1 => "hello", 2 => "world"))
@assert bmt[2] == "world"
@assert length(bmt) == 3

In the worst case, a lookup in BitMapTrie takes 11 memory accesses, one for each chunk of bits that we use to represent the 64 bit input[biteratelength]. But due to path compression, if our keys are spread out we'll only ever have to lookup a couple of the indexes before uniquely identifying a key. For that reason, when combined with a good hash function, BitMapTrie makes an ideal approx dictionary for a hash table:

         approx = BitMapTrie,
         exact  = PureFun.Association.List)

Test Summary:                        | Pass  Total  Time
basic tests for Main.var"##319".HAMT |    5      5  0.4s
julia> bench_dicttype(HAMT, 10)
(size = 10, search_hit_ns = 31, search_miss_ns = 14)

julia> bench_dicttype(HAMT, 100)
(size = 100, search_hit_ns = 42, search_miss_ns = 21)

julia> bench_dicttype(HAMT, 100_000)
(size = 100000, search_hit_ns = 58, search_miss_ns = 49)

julia> bench_dicttype(HAMT, 1_000_000)
(size = 1000000, search_hit_ns = 75, search_miss_ns = 49)

The HAMT is described as a constant-time container, so why does it look like search times increase (gradually – notice that each of the last two steps are 1000x increases in number of elements) with the number of elements?

Our hash function maps all keys to hashes of the same length. As a result, the worst-case lookup time after having calculated the hash is in fact constant, defined by the total number of hops, 5 bits at a time, required to consume 64 bits[caveat].

But as we can see, in practice lookups are much faster than the theoretical worst-case due to the path compression in the tries. We only end up using as much of the hash as is necessary to uniquely identify a key. That number will grow slowly as we keep adding additional elements, and as a result the observed search times will slowly approach the theoretical worst-case.

References and further reading

The idea of tries as bootstrapping a finite map over a simple type to a finite map over aggregate types is introduced in section 10.3.1 in Purely Functional Data Structures. Exercise 10.10 describes collapsing paths of nodes with only a single child into a single node, such that no node is both invalid and an only child. However, that exercise suggests achieving this by storing in each node the longest common prefix of the keys stored below. Trie path compression in PureFun.jl, on the other hand, follows the section "Compressed trie with digit number" in these notes by Sartaj Sahni, resulting in a much more compact (and as a result, performant) trie structure.

The Array Mapped Tree, the inspiration for PureFun.Contiguous.bitmap, is described in Fast and Space Efficient Trie Searches.

The idea behind PureFun.Contiguous.biterate, iterating over several bits of an integer at a time, is presented in Ideal Hash Trees. That paper introduces the HAMT as it is described here.

This presentation by @theVtuberCh is a good introduction to Hash Array Mapped Tries and several related concepts and data structures.

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  • hashfuncs

    We can specify different hash functions to achieve a variety of behaviors. For example, in near duplicate detection, we utilize locality-sensitive hash functions, which hash "similar" input values to the same output value, for domain-specific definitions of "similar." Given a soundex implementation, we could expand RedBlackHashMap into a dictionary of named tuples indexed into "blocks" of similar records:

             approx   = RedBlackHashMap,
             exact    = RedBlackHashMap,
             hashfunc = x -> soundex(x.lastname))
  • addoneWhen taking the modulo to convert the hash to a valid key for the bitmap we have to add 1, since the bitmaps expect keys in the range $[1,2^{n}]$ rather than $[0,2^{n}-1]$
  • biteratebiterate works by consuming its input a few bits at a time, and interprets those bits as an integer (after adding a 1). It is implemented in terms of bit-shifting operations and so is very fast.
  • biteratelengthsince 6 doesn't divide evenly into 64, the last index produced by biterate will only have 4 bits and sit in the range $[1,16]$. Also we can reduce the worst-case number of memory accesses in this case by using a smaller key, such as a 32-bit or 16-bit integer (Int32 or Int16).
  • caveatBarring a hash collision, which is extremely unlikely outside of an adversarial attack, as we are using the full 64 bits of the hash